Casting a scientific eye on our work, we focus all our time and effort on making sure that our rigorous testing methods live up to the high standard of quality placed upon us. The Department of Standards Malaysia has sanctioned our thorough and precise quality control mechanisms as well as our testing equipment and laboratory which was accredited to ISO/IEC G25 in 1995 and upgraded to ISO/IEC 17025 in 2001. The accreditations that our processes and laboratory receive signify that our laboratory quality management systems are competent in producing technically valid data and results.
Since 1988, CRC has been the trusted name in the ceramics industry and no other can compare when it comes to high quality Research & Development, testing and quality monitoring services.
We are however not affiliated with any government or academic institutions as we are an independent research company that offers comprehensive testing of physical, chemical and thermal properties of raw materials as well as finished products. We have highly competent staff who are able to zero in on the core properties of the materials that we test.
Ceramic Research Company is member of the Hong Leong Group and a subsidiary of Guocera Holdings, a leading ceramic tile manufacturing company. Please click here to find out more.